Monday, March 23, 2009

Logo No-Nos

There are some really great logos out there, designed by talented art directors and graphic artists. Then, there are the other 90%–a number of which have made their way to Your Logo Makes Me Barf.

Via former colleague Mr. Whiting.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Story of Little Red Riding Hood, No Words Required

If you've ever flown in a commercial airliner and either out of fear or boredom have looked at the safety instructions "located in the seat pocket in front of you," you've seen "informational design." It's concerned not with style, but with communicating information as clearly as possible, often without words so that language isn't an issue. While that information usually isn't a fairy tale, in this case, it is—the story of Little Red Riding Hood. If you dig this, you'll want to check out the music video for "Remind Me" by Royksopp, which obviously inspired it.

SlagsmÄlsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.

Via BuzzFeed

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Little of This, A Little of That: Thru-You YouTube Mash-ups

I'm a big fan of mash-ups (also known as "bootlegs," especially to my occasional European readers), but mostly limit my downloads to tunes featuring mixes of known songs and artists. Ophir Kutiel, aka Kutiman, has taken a different approach. He's painstakenly stitched together pieces of audio (and their accompanying video) from various YouTube clips to create entire new songs. A lot of work, but pretty cool results.

Check out "The Mother of All Funk Chords":


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Somewhere, Jan Hammer Is Crying - 80s Synth Medley

Bravo to these young lads for putting together this medley of songs from the 80s, which, I'm guessing, they weren't even alive for.

But a few electronic nits to pick (and I don't just mean the fact that they used a video camera from the 80s). I guess they were going fairly "poppy," so I'll forgive their lack of Depeche Mode, New Order, Psychedelic Furs, etc. But no "She Blinded Me With Science?"

And what could be more 80s than the theme to Miami Vice? A travesty, I tell you! Almost as grievous as this injustice.

Of course, true 80s music aficionados will have already checked out my list of "Top 10 80s Bands." Though, judging by my traffic numbers, there are actually only about nine of you. But I salute you!

Via BuzzFeed

Saturday, March 7, 2009

"Cops For Kids" Is Felonious Fun for the Whole Family.

Watch as the fuzzy bunnies helps save the world from the bad dogs.

COPS for Kids! from Sunset Television on Vimeo.

(Warning: some suggestive blurriness)

Via BuzzFeed