Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top 10 Posts of 2008

Ah, the year-end "Top 10" list, an annual freebie post for lazy writers and bloggers everywhere. Below are links to the the Nugatorium posts with the highest traffic numbers from 2008.

While a number are just basically links to other posts, I'm proud to say the top four (including #1, with more traffic than all the other posts combined) were originals. Granted, three of the four were "Top 1os," another crafty blogger traffic trick, but hits are hits. So relive the glory that was The Nugatorium's inaugural year. And Happy New Year to all six of you who will read this.

10. Reagan Always Looked Better Than Gorbachev
9. The Greatest Music Video Ever Made. Ever.
8. John Edwards Changed His Relationship Status To "It's Complicated"
7. A Walk In The Park Wherever You Go
6. So You're Knocked Up. Now What?
5. William Shakespeare And You Are Now Friends
4. Top 10 80s Bands
3. Miami Vice Guest Stars - Top 10 Musicians
2. Metrosexuallica
1. Top 10 Breakup Songs of All Time

Other Nugatorium staff favorites:
Top 10 80s High School Movies (That Didn't Involve John Hughes)
Robocop On A Unicorn: Why The Internet Was Invented
Getting Jiggy With Estelle
Where In The H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks Is Sonny Freakin' Crockett?

1 comment:

Scott Wolf said...

A favorite of mine was the Christian the Lion / Bigfoot spoof post.