Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Glad To See That Art School Education Is Paying Off

Yes, I suppose this hand-drawn basement decoration is impressive, done only in Sharpies and Magic Markers. But I think the artist was doing it for the fumes. Also, as the artist is an associate general counsel for a major corporation, a husband, and father of two kids, I can't help but think he might have spent a little too much time down in the basement. Though he is from Kentucky, so maybe this is the modern day equivalent of whittlin'. I kid, I kid, Bluegrass State! Please don't shoot me like you would some revenooer.

By the way, the artist works for Lexmark. I calculated it out, and to do all this art with one of their crappy printers would cost you $2,284,748 in ink cartridges.

Via BuzzFeed

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