Tuesday, April 21, 2009

NWA: "Help" The Police

Think it's Tuesday? Wrong! It's NWA Day. So sit back and learn how it goes down in the hood (more or less).

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Can I Help You, Sister?

I'm not so concerned about the Googling, but I know I'll be closing the blinds tonight.

Stella Artois Channels Godard (and Amis)

If you're a fan of "film," especially French film, you'll either enjoy or be outraged by Stella Artois' re-imagining of three American movies as films from "L'Hexagone." I'm gonna go with "8 Kilometres" as the best of the bunch. And I wouldn't have bothered remaking "Die Hard 3".

Via Adfreak

Friday, April 10, 2009

Don't Be Short Changin' Your Business Cards

Beyond the critical importance this dude places on his business cards, you just know this dude considers his hair an important part of his "brand."

Hmmm. This reminds me of something ... maybe it was a movie ...

Via Make The Logo Bigger

Don't Leave The Present Without It

Say you've finally cracked that whole "space/time" thing and since you have a bit of spare time on Saturday, you knock out a time machine. So you're heading back a couple of hundred years, maybe more, just to have a look around, maybe pilfer some antiques. But, uh-oh, your "Return To Present" button is on the fritz and you're stuck.

Not to worry, thanks to this handy dandy poster (also available as a t-shirt), you'll have the 4-1-1 on a few of the major advancements you can wow the locals with. Just don't go too hog wild and get condemned as a witch.

(Click to enlarge)